Youth in agrofood systems

The F&BKP Office noticed a demand from Dutch and related actors working on food security in developing countries that they have an interest in the role of youth in agri-food systems. In response to this growing interest of engaging with youth, the F&BKP have started to explore the work of (international) organizations on youth in agrofood systems, to identify the key themes, synergies and knowledge questions.
A mapping has been created by the F&BKP. It’s an inventory of the ambitions of key international organizations in the field of development that engage with youth in food systems. The exploration also gives a first glance of subthemes that various actors in the field of youth and agriculture focus their work on. It furthermore outlines key knowledge questions on engaging youth in agriculture and food systems that can be abstracted from the work of various organizations. It is based on document research and a short inquiry in the F&BKP network.
The F&BKP will further identify current knowledge needs on this topic in order to stimulate more synergy in this field and to create a coherent knowledge agenda for further follow-up.