Second F&BKP newsletter

The Food & Business Knowledge Platform is pleased to have sent out its second newsletter with information about the final report on the food and nutrition security policy consultation, update on the Knowledge Agenda, and much more.
As mentioned in the first newsletter, the Platform conducted a consultation for the Dutch policy on food and nutrition security in recent months. The Office of the F&BKP has composed a final report that analyzes all 154 contributions to the consultation and presents a number of recommendations. The Dutch Ministries of Foreign and Economic Affairs have warmly welcomed the report and have thanked all contributors for their input.
In addition, substantial progress has been made on the main themes of the F&BKP Knowledge Agenda, in which stakeholders examine knowledge questions within the Platform. First of all, in the Inclusive Business theme, the Seas of Change Network will work on deepening its work to stimulate the scaling of inclusive agri-food markets over the next few months. Land Governance, with LANDac as the main partner, has also been defined as a main theme, starting soon with a scoping study on land issues and urban food security. Horticulture is being explored as a theme together with, amongst others, Top Sector Horticulture & Starting Materials with an explorative study on the contribution of the horticultural sector to income generation, nutrition security and gender equality in Africa. The Platform continues to work on Food Wastage related issues, with others including FME and the winners of the WOTRO Battle of Ideas. In the field of Nutrition Security, several key events take place in Rome this autumn on which the F&BKP is considering to organize a Dutch debriefing and discussion session.
On Thursday November 27, 2014, the F&BKP Office will organize an introduction meeting for companies in the food business sector that are working with developing countries. Invitations and more information on the F&BKP website will follow shortly.
Please follow this link to read the complete second F&BKP newsletter.
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