Report ARF-3 projects International workshop and public seminar in Addis Ababa

The Third International Workshop of the Applied Research Fund (ARF) took place from February 13 till 16, 2018 at Azzeman Hotel in Addis Ababa. The focus of this workshop was to enhance research impact for Food and Nutrition Security (FNS) by strengthening the competence of ARF project consortium members in the areas of theory of change development, impact pathways, knowledge co-creation, and research uptake. This workshop was attended by 35 consortium members of ARF Third Call projects presently in implementation in different parts of Asia and Africa, and one Second Call project from Ethiopia.
Immediately following this international ARF workshop, at the same venue, a public seminar on nutrition sensitive value chains was held on February 16, 2018. In this seminar, the ARF project representatives were joined by around 40 Ethiopia-based participants from government, research, private sector and non-governmental organizations across several core and extended agrofood value chains. The objective of this day was to promote knowledge exchange and initiate co-creation for better informed policies and practices for nutrition security. For the Ethiopian participants, this seminar was a chance to learn, exchange and to connect around the practice of nutrition sensitivity in value chains, and also to be exposed briefly to the content and methodology of the ARF research projects. For the ARF project representatives, this public seminar was a chance to learn from Ethiopia’s food systems and strategic interventions in food value chains for Food and Nutrition Security, and to contribute their ideas and experience to the Ethiopian stakeholders present.
These events were organized by WOTRO Science for Global Development of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO-WOTRO) and the Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP), in collaboration with AgriProFocus Ethiopia and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).