F&BKP newsletter November 2018 (#06)

In the November newsletter, the Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP) gives an update on the Agrofood Broker of the Year Award, presents reports and workshops conclusions, and lists Knowledge Portal items and Events relevant to Food and Nutrition Security professionals.
The nomination round for the Agrofood Broker of the Year Award 2018 was closed on November 19, 2018. The Platform received eleven nominations which the jury members are now evaluating. Beginning December the Platform will present the three final candidates and open an online poll where you can vote for your favourite Agrofood Broker of 2018.
The Newsletter starts with a report about building NLandscape, a Dutch knowledge platform on landscape approaches. Furthermore the following articles are presented: a report on the seminar about business opportunities for strengthening nutrition at the BoP; a RUAF theme magazine on Youth in Food; conclusions of meetings in Brussels on research & innovation and on the European role in food systems in LMICs; and the report of a lunch seminar on cultural intensification in the Sahel.
Please stay tuned on the Platform’s activities by following “@foodplatform” on Twitter and Facebook.
Please follow this link to the complete sixth 2018 newsletter of the Platform: enjoy the read!
Please click here to subscribe to the F&BKP newsletter.