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F&BKP newsletter November 2018 (#06)
November 28, 2018News
F&BKP newsletter November 2018 (#06)

In the November newsletter, the Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP) gives an update on the Agrofood Broker of the Year Award, presents reports and workshops conclusions, and lists Knowledge Portal items and Events relevant to Food and Nutrition Security professionals. »

NLandscape: connecting partners operating in the area of landscapes
November 19, 2018News
NLandscape: connecting partners operating in the area of landscapes

In order to realize the potential of Dutch landscape knowledge, and get the integrated landscape approach to a higher level of policy uptake and implementation, NLandscape, the Dutch knowledge platform on landscape approaches, was established in October 2017. A year later, NLandscape reflects on what has been achieved so far and expresses its future ambitions. The F&BKP funded and supported learning activities and as such contributed to the further development of NLandscape as a platform.   »

Building food and nutrition sensitive landscapes
April 5, 2018Knowledge activity
Building food and nutrition sensitive landscapes

Many Dutch organizations are addressing Food and Nutrition Security (FNS), while at the same time they are investing in landscape approaches. During the NLandscape meeting on February 28, participants discussed how to strengthen approaches towards food and nutrition sensitive landscapes. »

July 26, 2017Knowledge Portal
Integrated agricultural landscape management: Case study on inclusive innovation processes, monitoring and evaluation in Tanzania

This article describes the process, the results, challenges, and lessons emanating from applying integrated agricultural landscape management (IALM) processes in innovation platforms. Integrated landscape management is a process for achieving multiple objectives related to agricultural production, ecosystem conservation, and sustainable natural resource management. »

July 20, 2017Knowledge Portal
Approaches aiming at sustainable production

This publication presents various agricultural approaches aimed at improving agricultural practices and contributing to a more sustainable world. The report starts with a short introduction of seven key approaches: agroecology, sustainable intensification, climate smart agriculture, landscape approaches, conservation agriculture, organic farming and inclusive green growth. »

July 6, 2017Knowledge Portal
Improving the positive impacts of investments on smallholder livelihoods and the landscapes they live in

This working paper aims to to stimulate debate on how to improve positive impacts from investments on smallholder livelihoods and to move from ‘do no harm’ risk mitigation approach towards a ‘do good’ impact approach. Aimed primarily at investors, in just 15 pages it highlights how to work profitably and equitably with smallholders, and how to promote better land governance and livelihoods. »