Conference “Research & Policy: two peas in a pod? A dialogue for food security impact”

NWO-WOTRO and the Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP), in close cooperation with the Dutch Ministries of Foreign and Economic Affairs are organizing the conference “Research & Policy: two peas in a pod? A dialogue for food security impact” on December 1, 2017 in The Hague, the Netherlands.
Please note that the registration for this conference is officially closed. If you are still interested to participate, please send an email to and we will contact you personally.
Please scroll down to download the concept notes of the various thematic sessions, which are now available in PDF.
The aim of this conference is to improve the link between (interim) results of the Food & Business Applied Research Fund (ARF) and the Food & Business Global Challenges Programme (GCP) research projects and the Dutch policy and programmes in the field of food and nutrition security. The intended outcome is to strengthen policy relevance and uptake of research results through a constructive dialogue between researchers and Dutch policy makers.
The conference brings together consortium members of the 45 ARF and 30 GCP projects, targeted Dutch policy makers, and professionals from the larger F&BKP network. Insight will be given in the unique ARF and GCP instruments which fund multi-actor research-business groups that focus on local food security issues in LMICs and have much attention for co-creation and research uptake. There will be an opening by Rob de Vos (Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs), key-note speeches from Brave Ndisale (FAO) and Cees Leeuwis (WUR) and the Agrofood Broker of the Year Award will be presented. Furthermore, thematic focus areas based on (interim) results, innovations, potential outcomes and interesting experiences of the projects, and related to Dutch policy, will be used to focus the dialogue in different ”round table” sessions during the conference. For all sessions, concept notes have been drafted: please click on the link (PDF) to download the concept note for the thematic focus area :
Morning sessions
- Session 1 – Innovations for food security: concept note
- Session 2 – Nutrition and consumption: concept note
- Session 3 – Inclusive business development for food security: concept note
- Session 4 – Knowledge co-creation for food security: concept note
Afternoon sessions
- Session 5 – Capture fisheries, aquaculture and food security: concept note and annex
- Session 6 – Urban food systems: concept note
- Session 7 – Climate Smart Agriculture: concept note and background paper
- Session 8 – Food security, conflict and resilience: concept note
Climate Smart Agriculture technologies innovations and adoption should be given emphhasis and priorities as from private to Government institutional world wide.
Aquaculture could have major contributions on world future food security and nutritional prosperity of the doubling world population by 2050…. The need to think hard on improving aquaculture through the use of available river and lakes peripheries ecosystems is of necessary