Seventh F&BKP Newsletter

Now that summer has truly started and before we enter the holiday season, the Food & Business Knowledge Platform has published its seventh newsletter with an update on the F&BKP activities of the last month.
In this July newsletter we present a new explorative report conducted within the Platform on how the Fruit and Vegetable Sector contributes to Food and Nutrition Security. We also inform you about the new Young Expert Programme that is focusing on Agrofood and about additional developments around the NL-CGIAR strategic partnership. Furthermore, you can read a summary of the recent expert meeting on capitalizing of knowledge in international PPPs and a a second article in the International Year of Soils series. Finally, there is a report of a F&BKP side event organized at the No More Food to Waste conference and a summary of the experts debate on Duch food and nutrion security policy.
Please follow this link to read the complete seventh newsletter of the Platform.
Please click here to subscribe to the F&BKP newsletter.
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