Second call CoP Markets, Supply Chains and Nutritious foods – June 24, 2020

On June 24, 2020, the second call of the Food security and COVID-19 CoP Markets, Supply Chains and Nutritious foods took place online. The CoP is convened by Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) and co-convened by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MinFA) and the Netherlands Food Partnership (NFP). Participating organizations in this call included SNV, Hivos, ICCO, Wageningen University & Research (WUR), Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation (WCDI), the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) and Fair & Sustainable.
In preparation for this call a country mapping exercise was carried out identifying the sectors and value chains in which CoP participants are active for the selected priority countries Kenya, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Bangladesh. The analysis shows that participants have most overlapping activities in three supply chains: Vegetables Fruits, and Dairy. This call focused on getting a more detailed understanding of these specific activities, the challenges faced as a result of COVID-19, and potential for joint actions.
Participants were positive about the focus on value chains for nutritious foods: helping to keep function those supply chains could contribute to preventing COVID-19 impacts. Since there had not been enough time to consult local teams on the latest on-the-ground status, participants exchanged general information on their programming and plans. WUR-CDI, RVO and Fair & Sustainable then indicated where they could support possible actions.
Some links were made where organizations would explore bilateral cooperation. Before deciding on the next steps, the group will await the publication of ongoing rapid assessments through the CoP Knowledge, to be able to determine where links could be established on country level priorities. The second role for the group of participants could then also be made more concrete: to come up with good knowledge and recommendations to help shape policy debates on food systems based on its overview of country impacts, looking toward various global summits in 2021.