Resources CoP Digital Solutions

During the online meetings, CoP members refer to several documents and information, which will regularly be added to the resources list in this post.
Solidaridad deploying digital tools
With the necessary safety considerations of COVID-19, support for smallholder farmers and workers is both more important, and more difficult, than ever. Solidaridad is staying engaged with smallholders through innovative digital tools.
Please follow this link to read the article “Deploying digital tools for agricultural extension support amid COVID-19”
Please follow this link to read the article “Solidaridad shows the way of deploying digital tools for agricultural extension support amid Covid-19”
SmartAgriHubs COVID-19 special
Newsletter on the many challenges caused by the current COVID-19 pandemic for the agri-food sector in Europe. By far, the main challenge is to keep the European agri-food chain operating as normally as possible. Modern technologies and believing in them is only the first step to build a more sustainable and innovative agri-food chain.
Please follow this link to download this special COVID-19 edition.
CTA report on digitalization in agriculture
Agricultural transformation is a priority in the policy agenda of African governments in their quest to meet the challenges of food and nutrition insecurity, climate change, youth unemployment and overall economic growth. With the right policies, innovation and investment, the continent’s agriculture could be transformed into a powerhouse not only to feed a growing population but to create decent employment for millions of young people.
Please follow this link to download the Executive summary and the full report “The Digitalisation of African Agriculture” (used for framing of this CoP).
SBIR Tool of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO)
Call for proposals Innovation Fund SBIR in developing markets “Solutions for health, data and financial support in Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Ethiopia, Mali, Mozambique, Niger and Uganda”. MinFA challenges entrepreneurs, companies and organizations to develop innovative products and services that can support the COVID-19 approach itself and the collateral damage on public health caused by prevention measures taken. This includes the mitigation of some socio-economic consequences.
Please follow this link to download the Call for proposals (partly in Dutch partly in English; deadline May 18, 2020).