F&BKP Office

Profile picture of F&BKP Office

Company / Organization / University

Food & Business Knowledge Platform

Role / Title

The Office

Bio / Specialization

The gateway to knowledge for food and nutrition security. Connecting business, science, civil society and policy.


Call of NL-CGIAR Senior Expert Programme reopened

Senior experts – working at Dutch research organizations and involved in CGIAR research or management – are given the opportunity to spend (more) time on their CGIAR activities. The call to cover part of their personnel costs has been reopened with an adjustment in the domains that can be requested. The deadline for the next assessment round is October 1, 2019. »

GCP-4 factsheet midterm findings: OSMARE

Midterm findings of the OSMARE project after 18 months of work in rural Malawi and Zimbabwe. The (preliminary and general) message to value chain players: “When designing or adapting a business model (e.g. contract with training, microfinance scheme, input supply, or other complex form of transaction) for and with farmers, you should leave some purposive slack for experimentation, learning and adaptation to local and rapidly changing (climate, social, and market) conditions.” »

Five more YEP positions available

Young Expert Programmes (YEP) is looking for Dutch candidates for five new YEP positions. Main goal of YEP, consisting of YEP Agrofood and YEP Water, is to offer young professionals the opportunity to kickstart their international career supported by training and coaching.  The current vacancies in Bangladesh, Benin, Ethiopia, Kenya and Burkina Faso are open for Dutch nationals only. Application for the new YEP positions in batch 18 is open until August 28, 2019.   »

Scaling up climate-smart agriculture: GCP-4 midterm workshop

In June 2019, the projects from the fourth call of the Global Challenges Programme, focusing on Scaling up climate-smart agriculture, gathered for joint learning and exchanges. The participants reflected on progress and research findings, including bottlenecks and challenges in their projects. The report of this midterm workshop is now available. »