F&BKP Office

Profile picture of F&BKP Office

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Food & Business Knowledge Platform

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The Office

Bio / Specialization

The gateway to knowledge for food and nutrition security. Connecting business, science, civil society and policy.


Aquaculture improvement projects: the private sector’s tool to address risks beyond the farm?

Aquaculture improvement projects (AIPs) have emerged as a novel form of market-based sustainability governance. Mariska Bottema, a researcher in the Global Challenges Programme (GCP) project SUPERSEAS, recently published a paper in Aquaculture that identifies some key challenges that private actors leading AIPs face when trying to address aquaculture risks that reach beyond the farm. »

GCP-2 factsheet final findings: Intermediaries inclusive business Africa

The GCP project “Intermediaries in inclusive business networks for scaling food security in East & West Africa” which developed an IB market assessment tool that provides up front insights in the strengths and the weaknesses of markets for inclusive innovation on food and nutrition security, published its final research findings. »

GCP-2 factsheet final findings: ALEGAMS Vietnam

GCP-2 project “Serious games for sustainable shrimp farming in Vietnam (ALEGAMS)” shows that playing the game gave farmers better understanding of the impact of their decisions linked to risks&opportunities of various farming systems. The ALEGAMS project has now published a factsheet with their final research findings. »

HortEco workshop June 2019

On June 12, 2019 a workshop in the framework of the HortEco project was organized by the Faculty of Agronomy, Universidad de la República del Uruguay and Red de Agroeocología. The workshop focused on the project “Diversification of open greenhouse tomato through the introduction of flowering plants and spices”. »