F&BKP Office

Profile picture of F&BKP Office

Company / Organization / University

Food & Business Knowledge Platform

Role / Title

The Office

Bio / Specialization

The gateway to knowledge for food and nutrition security. Connecting business, science, civil society and policy.


Project proposals for new YEP positions

Young Expert Programmes (YEP) is looking for project proposals for new positions for YEP Water, YEP Agrofood and the brand new YEP Energy. Deadline for submitting project proposals is October 15, 2019. »

GCP-4 factsheet midterm findings: CSA/SuPER

Midterm findings of the CSA/SuPER project in Tanzania: Climate change impacts are felt along the entire agricultural value chain; Adoption rates of CSA practices among small-scale rural farmers are low; Significant opportunity exists for greater collaboration among institutions and formation of synergies across projects; Farmers do not adopt the CSA practices that involve adoption of new cash crops unless they are confident that there is a market; There is limited involvement of Tanzanian (non-)governmental organizations. »

Turning knowledge on food systems into action

Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation (WCDI), F&BKP consortium partner, works on processes of innovation and change through facilitating innovation, brokering knowledge and supporting capacity development. In the week of September 23, WCDI starts a campaign, supporting its slogan “Turning knowledge on food systems into action”. »

Dairy, the motor for healthy growth

The annual African Dairy Conference & Exhibition (AfDa) is the key event for the dairy industry in East Africa. The day before this event, a coalition of NEADAP, AgriProFocus, 3R and F&BKP co-organized a joint knowledge sharing event “Dairy, the motor for healthy growth”. To prepare this meeting they held “Dairy dialogues” in four countries. During the AfDa expo, they invited other Dutch actors to their “Dairy knowledge corner”. »