GCP-4 factsheet midterm findings: CSA/SuPER

“CSA/SuPER – Upscaling CSA with small-scale food producers organised via VSLAs: Financing for adoption, behavioural change and resilience in rural Iringa Region, Tanzania” is a Global Challenges Programme (GCP) project which received funding in the fourth call.
GCP research is carried out in consortia consisting of Southern and Northern scientific and other partners. The projects have a duration of four to five years and are aimed at enhancing the understanding of food and nutrition security in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. In November 2017, eight transdisciplinary projects have been awarded grants in the GCP fourth call with focus on scaling up climate-smart agriculture. The consortia consist of research organizations, a public and/or private organization from an LMIC, and the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).
Please download the GCP-4 factsheet with midterm findings of “CSA/SuPER” (PDF).