Learning journey Kenya 2017

A group of Food Security Advisors and Agricultural Counselors from 12 Dutch embassies across Africa, Asia and the Netherlands visited Kenya from June 12 to 15, 2017. The aim of the “learning journey” was to jointly learn and reflect on achieved results, successes and failures from implementing the Food and Nutrition Security (FNS) policy in the context of the aid and trade agenda of the government of the Netherlands. The learning journey would then lead to the formulation of lessons and recommendations for implementation, results reporting and policy. The highlights from the field visits and reflection sessions are available in a special edition of our newsletter which offers opportunity to share particular articles per sector (horticulture, dairy, edible oil, potato). In addition, the learning journey highlights have been incorporated in an informative short video, which may also be used for purposes of further debate and knowledge sharing.
The learning journey took the format of farm and factory visits to selected business cases of projects being implemented with support from the Dutch government in the Kenyan dairy, horticulture, edible oils and potato sector. It also included individual and group reflections, and key respondent sessions.
The newsletter and video present an overview of the key highlights of this learning journey, and capture the key factors that explain the success of FNS programs in Kenya, funded by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (EKN) in Kenya. The communication tools also reflect on why certain interventions did not result in the expected outcomes, including any unforeseen outcomes.
The key questions this learning journey sought to answer include:
- How can we effectively draw on Dutch technology and expertise in development activities?
- How can we make sustainability and inclusiveness a Dutch selling point in our contacts with government partners, local business networks and other local stakeholders?
- How can EKN ensure that not only development programs promote inclusive investment and trade, but also that trade programs promote inclusiveness?
- How can the aid and trade agenda deal with issues of gender and youth, be climate smart and nutrition sensitive, and enhance water productivity?
- How can a sector development approach contribute to the trade and development agenda?
- How can EKN create synergy between centrally funded instruments and embassy programs?
Participants of the learning journey were about 20 representatives from 12 embassies engaging in food security policy implementation, and a few policy makers from the Ministries of Foreign and Economic Affairs in the Netherlands. A few selected stakeholders were invited for plenary reflection sessions, while the participants also met with several program partners from the private sector and knowledge institutions during field visits.
The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Nairobi organized this learning journey together with the Dutch Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Economic Affairs, Wageningen Center for Development Innovation (WCDI) and the Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP), and also in collaboration with AgriProFocus Kenya and SNV.
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