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GCP-3 Final factsheet: Ethiopia & Kenya, ADIAS
March 23, 2021Research project
GCP-3 Final factsheet: Ethiopia & Kenya, ADIAS

“The ADIAS project looked at dairy input & advisory configurations in Kenya and Ethiopia. In both countries, a transition to more farmer participation in markets is needed in order to eke out a living from shrinking farms and, of course, to feed the nation. While Kenyan farmers benefit from pluriform service provision models , upgrading »

F&BKP Newsletter June 2020 (#03)
June 12, 2020News
F&BKP Newsletter June 2020 (#03)

In this third Newsletter of 2020, the F&BKP first gives an update on the Netherlands Food Partnership and then informs about current activities like the CoPs on COVID-19 to prevent a food crises and other news, events and Knowledge Portal items on Food Nutrition and Security.  In this Newsletter of the Food & Business Knowledge »

Position paper and action agenda “Dairy for nutrition, employment and sustainability”
June 4, 2020Study
Position paper and action agenda “Dairy for nutrition, employment and sustainability”

On May 29, 2020, the position paper “Dairy for nutrition, employment and sustainability – An action agenda for the Dutch contribution to dairy development in Africa and Asia” was launched during an online event. Several stakeholders gave their reactions on the action agenda and pointed out what is needed to make that agenda work. »

GCP-2 final factsheet: LIQUID
May 11, 2020Research project
GCP-2 final factsheet: LIQUID

The GCP-2 project “Local and International business collaboration for productivity and QUality Improvement in Dairy chains in SE Asia and East Africa (LIQUID)” published its final research findings. »

February 25, 2020Knowledge Portal
Youth opportunity spaces in low-emission dairy development in Kenya

This note aimed to understand how intensification in the dairy sector, in combination with changing urban-rural dynamics, influences young women and men’s employment opportunities in Kenya. strategic attention should be given to social and rural development outcomes in the design of low emission development interventions and specific focus on how to increase the potential of intensification to support youth employment and youth equitable outcomes. »

January 7, 2020Knowledge Portal
Effects of milk cooling: A case study on milk supply chain for a factory in Ethiopia

In this study the effects of different scenarios for introducing a cold milk chain are evaluated based on rejection rates and costs to increase the milk supply of a milk factory near Solulta (Ethiopia). Adequate design of milk collection chains and choice of technology options is essential to make the food product available with minimum climate impact. »