The nutrition advantage: Harnessing nutrition co-benefits of climate-resilient agriculture
This study (PDF) of IFAD’s experience in improving nutrition in climate-sensitive agricultural investments, shows that climate change impacts in agriculture and the prevalence of malnutrition in rural areas are deeply intertwined. The case studies in this review offer a glimpse of how IFAD is trying to improve nutrition co-benefits as it works to increase climate resilience and tackle environmental degradation. It is indeed possible to ensure that projects which seek to enhance climate resilience and improve environmental sustainability deliver co-benefits for nutrition. However, to maximize such benefits, a more integrated approach to planning is needed wherein such co-benefits are envisaged at the design stage itself. The entry points which have been identified for integrating nutrition and climate benefits offer a resource for project planners to do this. In addition to climate and nutrition synergies, the case studies also identify synergies with gender and environmental sustainability goals, with many of the projects delivering multiple benefits. While the case studies give context-specific examples, which suit regional priorities, a broader approach that integrates these lessons to support rural transformation is needed. The new development paradigm set out in Agenda 2030 stresses the importance of an integrated approach, and shaking off silos represents a fundamentally different and more integrated way of working.