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climate-smart agriculture

September 30, 2020Knowledge Portal
Better foresight for climate resilience: E-learning, toolkit and webinars

The SADC Futures project creates tailored foresight training to equip users in the practical appliation of a range of foresight tools and methods for innovative strategic planning and policy formulation for climate resilience.  »

August 26, 2020Knowledge Portal
CCAFS Annual Report 2019

This annual report 2019 describes progress to date, significant achievements and successes in 2019, flagship products and tools and publications. CCAFS continues to be a key knowledge provider in climate change, agriculture and food security research. »

July 10, 2020Knowledge Portal
Five practical actions towards low-carbon livestock

This publication describes how five practical actions can be widely implemented in integrative and sustainable ways for measurable and rapid impacts on livestock emissions, taking account the diversity of livestock systems and enhancing synergies and managing tradeoffs with other sustainable development objectives. »

June 22, 2020Knowledge Portal
Netherlands-India Agri Collaboration: Climate smart agriculture innovations mission

This webinar series on climate smart agriculture innovation aims to explore, identify and encourage research and development collaboration between Dutch and Indian partners. The first three webinars focus on breeding, remote sensing, and water and soil. »

GCP-4 factsheet midterm findings: Climate-Smart Financial Diaries
June 2, 2020Research project
GCP-4 factsheet midterm findings: Climate-Smart Financial Diaries

“Climate-Smart Financial Diaries for Scaling in Kenya” is a Global Challenges Programme (GCP) project which received funding in the fourth call and has published its midterm research findings. »

May 28, 2020Knowledge Portal
Climate-smart agriculture and global food-crop production

This article shows that a subset of agronomic practices that are often included under the rubric of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) can contribute to increasing agricultural production under unfavorable climate regimes while contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gases (GHG). CSA with its multi-objective approach may provide a useful framework for decision-making ranging from the farm to the policy level. »