Financing Sustainable Development: Implementing the SDGs through Effective Investment Strategies and Partnerships.
This working paper (PDF) by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (UNSDSN) provides a roadmap for the Financing for Sustainable Development discussions in the lead-up to the Addis Conference. The paper focuses on a broad array of issues and examines some of the key questions involved in designing new institutions to handle the long-term, complex investments needed for key sustainable development priorities. Chapter 5.3 covers Sustainable agriculture, food systems, and improved nutrition. This chapter reviews major investment strategies and financing mechanisms in key investment areas. Some key points summarized: the vast majority of investments in agriculture comes from private sources. A strengthened global partnership is needed around three public-private investment challenges: (i) the needs of smallholder farmers and artisanal fishermen – available financing mechanisms are inadequately resourced; (ii) nutrition – a complex, multi-sectoral investment challenge in need of an improved institutional financing architecture; and (iii) agricultural research around a strengthened Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research. The chapter also highlights gaps in resource mobilization and financing mechanisms and non-financing priorities for agriculture/food systems and nutrition. Furthermore, there is a special focus on the biodiversity and ecosystem SDGs in this chapter.