Key sources on COVID-19 impacts on Food and Nutrition Security

As the impact of COVID-19 is growing and affecting food systems globally, the short and long term consequences of this crisis for SDG2 are becoming increasingly visible. Countries, governments, research and aid organizations as well as businesses are all taking action to prevent food systems from breaking down, and in the process create and share a great variety of information. As a knowledge brokering organization, the Food & Business Knowledge Platform feels that one of the ways in which we can contribute to these efforts is to provide insight into key sources of information.
This article therefore gives an overview of key resources related to the COVID-19 impacts on Food and Nutrition Security. These resources are being continuously updated as more research and information become available. If you feel a critical resource is missing from this list, please let us know ().
Overview of key sources
Research and resources
CGIAR – evidence-based advice and recommendations on the Covid-19 crisis: Collection of latest research and analysis on COVID-19 to support authorities and the public in making informed decisions during the crisis. See also the CGIAR statement on the Covid-19 crisis.
IFPRI – Resources and Analyses on the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic: IFPRI, one of the CGIAR research centres, curates a special series of blog posts analyzing the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on national and global food and nutrition security, poverty and development.
UNSCN Resource list on food systems and nutrition responses: Contributing to the coronavirus pandemic response, the UNSCN has compiled a list of available resources and key readings with a focus on nutrition and food systems.
FAO – resources, information and policy tools on Covid-19 response: Provides a webpage with a collection of ongoing investigations and critical knowledge on food and agriculture in relation to COVID-19. FAO also provides a compilation of policy responses with their pros and cons for agricultural and food systems.
SDG2 Advocacy Hub – SDG2 & Covid-19 reading list: Providing a number of thought pieces highlighting the impact of COVID-19 on food, food systems and more.
Nutrition Connect – latest news and views on Covid-19 and food systems: Brings together news and resources related to the risks, responses and impact of COVID-19 on food systems and nutrition. Providing a blog series to shine light on the threats and opportunities for nutrition and food systems curated by Lawrence Haddad, Jess Fanzo and Corinna Hawkes.
Early warning and food security monitoring systems
FAO, WFP, IFPRI – Food Security Information Network (FSIN): a technical platform for exchanging expertise and best practices on food security and nutrition analysis that spans the effort of 16 global and regional partners to improve the availability and quality of food security and nutrition analysis for decision-making. It facilitates the Global Network Against Food Crises’ analytical pillar to better understand global food crises. See also the Global Report on Food Crises.
Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC): IPC report standardizes monitoring of acute food insecurity, chronic food insecurity and acute malnutrition for most African and Asian countries.
FAO Early Warning – Early Action (EWEA) System: FAO’s EWEA team uses both FAO and external early warning sources to monitor main risks to agriculture and food security, publishing the findings in quarterly EWEA reports.
USAID Famine Early Warning System Network (FEWS Net): Provides evidence-based analysis to help decision-makers and relief agencies plan for and respond to humanitarian crises through monthly reports. FEWS Net announced that it is monitoring the multiple impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on acute food security in countries where it operates.
IFPRI – Food Security Portal: Brings together international, regional, and country-level data, news, and research aimed at meeting countries’ immediate food security needs, as well as building long-term global food security Excessive Food Price Variability Early Warning System.
FAO – Global Information and Early Warning System (GIEWS): Issues regular analytical and objective reports on prevailing conditions and provides early warnings of impending food crises at country or regional level.
Food Security and Nutrition Working Group: This coordination platform co-chaired by IGAD, FAO, WFP monitors the food security situation in central and eastern Africa. It has initiated a monitoring report that follows impacts of Covid-19 on food security globally and in the east African region.
Interactive maps
WFP – Hunger Map: Map that is monitoring and capturing the evolution of COVID-19 outbreaks in countries, enabling real time monitoring of the impact of COVID-19 on food security and supply chains. It can serve as a means to capture and signal deteriorating circumstances in countries across a variety of indicators.
ANH Academy – Global food systems perspectives on Covid-19: An interactive map that provides resources around COVID-19 and food systems, focusing on experiences, perspectives, opportunities and questions from researchers around the world about the impact of COVID-19 on food systems, agriculture and nutrition.
Partos – Kennisportal Corona: The Dutch membership body for organizations working in international development has composed an action plan with its members last March responding to the COVID-19 crisis. This page provides updates on current actions, knowledge and other developments.
OECD – Covid-19 policy hub: The OECD is compiling data, analysis and recommendations on a range of topics to address the emerging health, economic and societal crisis. Beyond immediate responses, the content aims to provide analysis on the longer-term consequences and impacts, paving the way to recovery with coordinated policy responses across countries.
RVO COVID-19 Q&A: The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) has published a page with information sources for entrepreneurs that are doing business in Africa and the consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak for them (in Dutch). See also the page in English “COVID-19 and doing business abroad“.
Agroberichten Buitenland – News about coronavirus and the international agriculture sector: This page gives an overview of all news items of the network of Agricultural Counsellors and the consequences of the corona virus in the countries where the network is active (in Dutch).
Conflict and Covid-19 Resource Hub: The Policital Settlements Research Programme is curating blogs and resources addressing the COVID-19 pandemic from the perspective of conflict-affected areas. This list is updated daily.
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