F&BKP newsletter July 2017 (#04)

The July newsletter of the Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP) gives details on the financial commitment of the Netherlands to CGIAR’s work in agri-food system research for development. Furthermore two new themes are introduced that are being explored within the Platform: Food Systems and Food & Stability. And as usual information is presented on various food & nutrition security related workshops, studies and events.
Also, the “Food & Business Research – Policy Dialogue Conference” (working title) is announced. This conference is organized by the F&BKP with NWO-WOTRO, in close cooperation with the Dutch Ministries of Foreign and Economic Affairs. The conference will take place on December 1, 2017 in The Hague, the Netherlands. More information on the programme and registration procedure will follow soon, but for now: Please save the date!
The Platform is active on Twitter and Facebook and to stay updated on specific topics of the Knowledge Portal, interested food and nutrition security professionals can subscribe to the email alerts.
Please follow this link to the complete fourth 2017 newsletter of the Platform; enjoy the read!