Inclusive global value chains : policy options in trade and complementary areas for GVC integration by small and medium enterprises and low-income developing countries
This report (PDF) from the OECD and the World Bank focuses on making global value chains (GVCs) more inclusive. This is achieved by overcoming participation constraints for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and facilitation access for Low Income Developing Countries (LIDCs).The two major points of this report are 1) participation in GVCs is heterogeneous and uneven, across and within countries and 2) available data and survey-based evidence suggest that SME participation in GVCs is mostly taking place through indirect contribution to exports, rather than through exporting directly. The report makes the case that policy action, at the national and multilateral level, can make a difference in achieving more inclusive GVCs through: a holistic approach to reform spanning trade, investment and domestic policies; and, investment in expanding the statistical basis and analysis of GVCs and in sharing knowledge on best practices on enabling policies and programs.