Welcome to our new website!

The F&BKP has the ambition to become the gateway to knowledge for food and nutrition security. The Platform will be the place to go for networks that are willing to share knowledge, experience and innovative solutions in order to strengthen daily practices.
This website is an important tool for the networks collaborating within the F&BKP to realize their aims. Platform members can define the knowledge agenda and disclose, share, and deepen and validate existing knowledge on food and nutrition security together with others. As such, the website will have an important role to play in making knowledge work for practice and policy. The Platform has just started to operate and therefore the information on the website is still limited.
Under the heading About, information is already available on the objectives of the F&BKP, the organizational structure, the approach and the funding instruments. Knowledge Agenda describes the setup and status of the agenda. Furthermore, under the heading Themes, preliminary information is presented on the themes we have initially selected: Nutrition Security, Food Wastage and Partnerships. The launch of this new website is the beginning of a growth process to maturity. The Platform’s activities will intensify in the short term and relevant information on the website will therefore grow rapidly.