Report on WFE Stakeholder workshop

The two-day Stakeholder Workshop held in Kisumu on February 14 and 15, 2019, provided a platform for project partners, women in entrepreneurship, and other stakeholders to share information on the milestones and lessons learned in the Global Challenges Programme (GCP) project “Women Food Entrepreneurship (WFE)”.
The first day entailed presentations from the various stakeholders, with the Governor affirming that WFE was in line with his manifesto for Kisumu, Vision 2030, and the SDGs. The workshop also laid emphasis on the unique knowledge and innovative practices of the women food entrepreneurs, as they presented their produce and highlighted the challenges they encountered in producing food. Institutional stakeholders such as KIRDI-Kisumu, expressed interest in the work of women food entrepreneurs and proposed possible partnerships.
The second day involved a field trip to Kendu Bay, which provided a learning moment for the workshop participants, as they visited model farms.
The information exchange during the workshop will be consolidated into a project book on “Mini-Farming” guiding urban planners and developers to organize green space in city slums thus ensure a food secure urban environment.
Please download the WFE Stakeholder Workshop report “Building Inclusive Business Models for Food Security in the City Slums of Kenya and Burkina Faso” (PDF).