Pre-announcement third Call Food & Business Applied Research Fund

In the first quarter of 2016 NWO-WOTRO will launch the third Call for proposals for the Food & Business Applied Research Fund (ARF), one of the two funding instruments within Food & Business Research. ARF provides grants for demand-driven applied research that contributes to food security in the 15 partner countries of Dutch development cooperation. The scope of the Call has been defined in close co-operation with the Food & Business Knowledge Platform.
The focus of the third ARF Call relates to the new Dutch food security policy and proposals should relate to one or more of its pillars:
- Eradicating existing hunger and malnutrition. (‘people’)
- Promoting inclusive and sustainable growth in the agricultural sector. (‘profit’)
- Creating ecologically sustainable food systems. (‘planet’)
Call conditions
Research proposals also need to invest in the enabling business and policy environment at least at the local level. Bottlenecks at the more systemic level often hamper scaling, application and/or innovation potential. This Call asks to identify these bottlenecks and to reflect on possible solutions.
In two of the 15 countries it will be possible to apply for a grant more related to the specific food security policy of these countries. The choice and focus of these countries is being decided upon.
Consortia of practitioner and research or higher education organizations may apply. The budget per application may be €50,000 – €300,000 for projects with a duration of 0,5 – 3 years. Requirements are to a large extent similar to the previous call. Higher rates for salary costs and overhead will be allowed. A maximum budget of €4 Million is available.
Proposals can be submitted to NWO-WOTRO continuously until the final deadline. Proposals will be collected and assessed in two different rounds.