Position paper and action agenda “Dairy for nutrition, employment and sustainability”

On May 29, 2020, the position paper “Dairy for nutrition, employment and sustainability – An action agenda for the Dutch contribution to dairy development in Africa and Asia” was launched during an online event.
The meeting was hosted by Judith Jacobs of the Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP) and Wim Goris of AgriProFocus and was attended by 85 dairy professionals.
Lead editor Karin Andeweg of Wageningen University & Research gave an introduction to the paper. This was followed by reflections on the action agenda by various stakeholders, pointing out what is needed to make the action agenda work. The stakeholders presenting their views were:
- Marcel van Nijnatten, Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality
- Nynke Dijkstra, Triple Dairy/EARNED
- Robert Baars, Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences
- Rinus van Klinken, SNV/NEADAP 2
Call to action
The position paper gives an overview of what is happening and trending. It gives a guiding agenda for action on six leverage points for dairy sector transformation:
- Contribute to affordable and nutritious diets
- Keep milk safe
- Strengthen inclusive and competitive value chains
- Make dairy sustainable
- Strengthen future dairy professionals through training, education and extension
- Get the development, trade and investment policies right
As of 2021, AgriProFocus and F&BKP merge into the Netherlands Food Partnership (NFP) which will continue the support for dairy and development and for other sectors where Dutch knowledge and expertise can have a meaningful contribution to SDG2.
NFP specifically aims to support coalitions that have transformative propositions at the system level and represent a strong collective with a clear direction. The NFP is ready to support stakeholders to connect to people and knowledge around innovations with the potential to scale. This will allow coalitions to get started and accelerate their contribution to SDG2.
Ideas for coalitions or transformative ideas on one of the six leverage points, can be sent to Judith Jacobs at or Wim Goris at .
- Full copy of the paper “Dairy for nutrition, employment and sustainability – An action agenda for the Dutch contribution to dairy development in Africa and Asia”
- Summary of the paper “Dairy for nutrition, employment and sustainability”
- Notes of the launch event on May 29, 2020
- Video recording of the launch event on May 29, 2020
In this video Karin Andeweg receives the first printed copy of the paper.