F&BKP Office

Profile picture of F&BKP Office

Company / Organization / University

Food & Business Knowledge Platform

Role / Title

The Office

Bio / Specialization

The gateway to knowledge for food and nutrition security. Connecting business, science, civil society and policy.


Project proposals for YEP positions batch 21

Young Expert Programmes (YEP) is looking for project proposals for new YEP positions for the sectors Water, Agrofood and Energy. Deadline for submitting proposals is May 10, 2020. »

Key sources on COVID-19 impacts on Food and Nutrition Security

As the impact of COVID-19 is growing and affecting food systems globally, the short and long term consequences of this crisis for SDG2 are becoming increasingly visible. Countries, governments, research and aid organizations as well as businesses are all taking action to prevent food systems from breaking down, and in the process create and share a great variety of information. As a knowledge brokering organization, the F&BKP feels that one of the ways in which we can contribute to these efforts is to provide insight into key sources of information. »

African indigenous foods: Opportunities for improved food and nutrition security

What is the potential of local and indigenous foods to contribute to food and nutrition security, as well as economic empowerment, of poor and marginalised farmers and consumers in Sub Saharan Africa? This is the key question explored in the second Thematic Paper of the F&BR Synthesis Study that has recently been produced discussing Research for Development insights and innovations regarding these foods. »

HortEco seminar March 2020

On March 5, 2020 a seminar in the framework of the HortEco project was organized by the Faculty of Agronomy, Universidad de la República del Uruguay and Red de Agroecología. A synthesis report of the seminar is available in Spanish. »