F&BKP Office

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Food & Business Knowledge Platform

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The Office

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The gateway to knowledge for food and nutrition security. Connecting business, science, civil society and policy.


Asia-Pacific seed trade reeling from COVID-19 lockdown

In this report, Pepijn Schreinemachers from the World Vegetable Center, and Kanokwan Chodchoey, Steven Layne and Weeranuch Mhadlhoo from the Asia & Pacific Seed Association (APSA) give the results of a survey, which recorded the opinion of seed company managers on how the crisis has affected their business and identified emerging bottlenecks in the seed supply chain. »

Lessons on market-oriented food security programming in fragile settings

As part of an ongoing study on “Aid transitions in fragility and protracted crisis settings” two quick-scans were produced. The first inventories typologies and frameworks used to design agricultural development programmes in fragile settings. The second captures lessons on market-oriented food security programming in fragile settings. »

Video with key activities of Doyiwé fair

The Applied Research Fund project “Enhancing Kersting’s groundnut production-marketability in Benin (Doyiwé)” published a video presenting the key activities of a Doyiwé seed fair and the achievements of the project.  »

Market systems development in fragile and conflict-affected settings

What is Market Systems Development, how does it work in fragile settings, and what are lessons from its application in contexts like north Uganda, northeast Nigeria and Syria? This was the central focus of the last meeting of the Community of Practice on food security & stability, held on January 21, 2020. Thirty participants joined the workshop, co-organized with Mercy Corps which shared its experiences with this approach. »