F&BKP Office

Profile picture of F&BKP Office

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Food & Business Knowledge Platform

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The Office

Bio / Specialization

The gateway to knowledge for food and nutrition security. Connecting business, science, civil society and policy.


Smallholder agriculture: Research-based opportunities for improved food and nutrition security

This fourth Thematic Paper of the F&BR Synthesis Study discusses Research for Development insights and innovations regarding smallholder farmers. The paper stresses that differences among smallholders have significant implications and require an integrated approach from donors, governments and development agencies. Any such approach should be rigorously monitored on process and results to enable adaptive programming and learning. »

Inclusive business for sustainable food systems: Putting the last first

How can business models be profitable and benefit low income populations, aim to address societal problems, including poverty and food and nutrition insecurity, and promote sustainable livelihoods? This is the key question explored in the third Thematic Paper of the F&BR Synthesis Study that has recently been produced discussing Research for Development insights and innovations regarding these business models, commonly referred to as Inclusive Business models. »

Build on knowledge, translate to action

IFPRI’s 2020 Global Food Policy Report was written before the outbreak of the global COVID-19 pandemic. Although the world changed drastically ever since, the insights shared in the report are still valuable and an important source of knowledge to inform the policies and actions currently developed and implemented. A virtual event was organized by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs on April 28 to launch the report, present and discuss the outcomes and place them in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. »

Scaling for impact: strengthening Benin Food & Nutrition Security in policy and practice

During a three-day workshop in Cotonou end November 2019, all Applied Research Fund (ARF) projects of NWO-WOTRO in Benin got together. Since these projects are finished or almost finalised, it was time to take stock of their outcomes, share lessons learned, and tackle issues related to scaling-up of project results. The final report (in French) and video are now available. »