The F&BKP Knowledge Portal: What’s in it for you?

The Knowledge Portal of the F&BKP provides a user-friendly gateway to knowledge and innovations in the field of Food and Nutrition Security (FNS). Relevant knowledge items such as reports, briefs, toolkits and articles are published on a regular basis for six main topics, each consisting of several sub-topics. To automatically receive updates of the topics that interest you the most, you can now subscribe to email alerts.
To keep up with the changes in the field of FNS, the Knowledge Portal adjusts its topics to ensure all relevant themes are portrait in the Knowledge Portal. Recently the topics Nutrition Security, Soil Management, Food Wastage, Fruit & Vegetables, Inclusive Business and Land Governance have been added to the Portal and are now regularly updated to provide you the latest knowledge on these topics. You can filter the results in each topic or use the tags to find the sources most relevant to you.
Also new to the Portal is the option to subscribe to the topic(s) of your interest, in this way you will receive automatic email alerts of new items to ensure you stay updated. In this form you can select the topics you would like to receive updates on.
In addition, it is possible to share your publications on the Knowledge Portal. Links to websites, articles, reports and multimedia relevant to the topics and goals of this Portal will be published. Uploaded items always link directly to your original source. Furthermore, we regularly share Knowledge Portal items through our social media channels as well as our newsletter. Therefore, your knowledge product can reach a broader audience in addition to your own channels. You can submit your contribution to the Knowledge Portal by using this form or send us an .