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May 19th, 2015

Supporting women’s agro-enterprises in Africa with ICT: a feasibility study in Zambia and Kenya

Published by The World Bank,

This publication (PDF) by the World Bank views ICTs as potentially transformative technology for rural development. The study was designed to examine the feasibility of integrating ICTs into two large investment programs: the Irrigation Development and Support Project (IDSP) in Zambia and the Kenya Agricultural Productivity and Agribusiness Project (KAPAP). The specific goal was to examine how ICT-based interventions might be designed to strengthen women’s participation in commodity value chains under the two projects. A major finding from the literature review and ICT inventory is that numerous ICTs have been developed for small-scale farmers in Kenya, but very few have been developed in Zambia, and no ICT tools in these countries have been developed specifically for women farmers. Demand for extension information continues to be high, especially among women, whose access to agricultural information has so far been limited.

Curated from documents.worldbank.org