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rural women

April 15, 2020Knowledge Portal
Women’s access to rural finance: challenges and opportunities

This paper aims to give an overview of the variety of challenges and opportunities linked to the promotion of women’s access to finance in rural contexts, while also presenting a number of good practices which can be adopted to foster inclusion. Rural women face several constraints that limit their access to financial services, such as sociocultural, economic/legal and in some cases educational barriers. On the other hand, financial institutions also face constraints extending services to rural women. »

October 10, 2019Knowledge Portal
Barriers and facilitators to fruit and vegetable consumption among rural Indian women of reproductive age

This study aims to identify perceived barriers and facilitators to fruit and vegetable consumption among women of reproductive age living in rural communities in India. Women knew that fruit and vegetables were beneficial to health and expressed that they wanted to increase the intake of these foods for themselves and their children. »

July 5, 2017Knowledge Portal
Finance for a fruitful future: Dutch aid for agriculture 2005-2015

This paper shows the results of a study analyzing the trend in Dutch Official Development Assistance in agriculture and presents policy recommendations to the Dutch government. The paper also maps the current state of Dutch climate finance, since investments in the agricultural sector and adaptation finance are closely intertwined.  »

April 5, 2017Knowledge Portal
Creating mutual benefits: examples of gender and biodiversity outcomes in horticultural activities

This series of fact sheets features Bioversity International case studies with local NGOs and partners. These case studies illustrate successful outcomes in gender and biodiversity through the use of gender-specific research methods. Three of these factsheets take place in forest and agroforestry landscapes and have interesting lessons for horticultural activities. »

October 19, 2016Knowledge Portal
Impact and cost-effectiveness of women’s training in home gardening and nutrition in Bangladesh

This study in the Journal of Development Effectiveness quantifies the impact and cost-effectiveness of training poor rural women in Bangladesh in home gardening and nutrition. It was found that the intervention significantly increased vegetable production, vegetable consumption and the micronutrient supply from the garden. »

July 15, 2016Knowledge Portal
How much of the labor in African agriculture is provided by women?

This article by the Worldbank Group is a product of the “Agriculture in Africa—Telling Facts from Myths” project. It challenges the common knowledge of the contribution of women in Africa’s agricultural. The contribution of women to labor in African agriculture is regularly quoted in the range of 60–80%. Using individual, plot-level labor input data from nationally representative household surveys across six Sub-Saharan African countries, this study estimates the average female labor share in crop production at 40%. »