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April 12th, 2016

The rise of the data scientist: How big data and data science are changing smallholder finance

Published by The Initiative for Smallholder Finance ,

This briefing note by the Initiative for Smallholder Finance explores how innovative lenders are using new data sources and analytics to assess the creditworthiness of borrowers. It seeks to supplement the growing body of literature on alternative applications of data in assessing credit risk with a discussion of the opportunity to extend these models to the agriculture sector. The current state  of  alternative  credit assessment models apart from  and  with  respect  to the agriculture sector  is highlighted,  as well as  the challenges  that  prevent  an  easy  transfer  of  urban tested  models  to agricultural  borrowers. The authors highlight  efforts  to develop  new  data sources  for the  agriculture  sector,  as  well  as  trends  that  may  support alternative  data driven credit assessment  in  these  environments.  The note  concludes with recommendations  for  how  lenders,  donors,  and other  partners  can  push  forward  the  development  of  such  alternative credit assessment models.

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