GCP-1 final factsheet: Helping poor farmers grow money in Sierra Leone

“Helping poor farmers grow money in Sierra Leone” is a Global Challenges Programme (GCP) project which received funding in the first GCP Call.
GCP research is carried out in consortia consisting of Southern and Northern scientific and other partners. The projects have a duration of four to five years and are aimed at enhancing the understanding of food and nutrition security in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. The five GCP-1 projects that started in 2014 and finished end of 2019.
Final research results of this project show how local institutions are key to understanding structural transformation of poor agrarian economies; how foreign investments, requiring labour, can destabilize local labour mobilization and land-management arrangements; and how development aid, aimed to boost livelihoods, can have unintended consequences. A core insight during the Ebola outbreak pertains the importance of local responses to the crisis.