Food & Business Research Final Conference

On December 9 and 10, 2020, NWO-WOTRO and the Food & Business Knowledge Platform organise the final Food & Business Research Conference “Scaling insights for sustainable food systems”. This online conference will enlarge the impact of all research results by bringing together project-level insights and outcomes, in order to identify commonalities and create coherence.
Event details |
The NWO-WOTRO Food & Business Research Programme (F&B) aims at addressing persistent food security challenges in low and middle income countries. It focuses on the urgent and growing need for adequate knowledge and solutions for regional and local problems related to food security. Researchers, policy makers and practitioners from the public and private sector interested in food and nutrition security are welcome to participate. The conference will provide opportunity to engage with research findings, best practices and lessons learned of 75 research projects from the Applied Research Fund (ARF) and the Global Challenges Programme (GCP), conducted in 27 countries, mainly in East and west Africa and South (East) Asia!
The conference offers a space for critical reflection and learning, in order to strengthen uptake of research results in policy and practice, and contribute to scientific debates. Within sixteen sessions a range of topics is addressed, such as “Blind spots in scaling”, ICT for agriculture, or a session based on intensive synthesis of multiple F&B studies on “Food System Transformations”.
In addition, some though provoking keynotes are given. The first day is opened by Melissa Leach, director of the Institute of Development Studies, Sussex, who will speak about Politics of Food System Transformations. The second day will open with a dual keynote of Frejus Thoto, director of ACED Benin and ARF project leader and Sietze Vellema, Associate Professor at Wageningen University and GCP project leader, who will reflect on lessons learned within ARF and GCP.
- More details about the theme, programme, speakers and sessions can be found on the conference website.
- More information about the Food & Business Research Programme can be found on the website of the research programme.
On this website the finalists for the PhD Impact Award will also be announced soon! Enjoy the enthusiasm and the surprising ideas of upcoming talent in Food and Nutrition Security and vote on who will take home the PhD Impact Award as well as 2500 euros to realise their idea.
Scaling Insights for Sustainable Food Systems
The theme of the conference is ‘Scaling Insights for Sustainable Food Systems’. Food & Business Research has focused throughout on a global food system perspective. This is based on the understanding that the global dimension of issues, within and beyond food chains, demands systemic solutions. All research funded through Food & Business Research has been conducted in co-creation with other partners active in the field of food and nutrition security. This is based on the assumption that such partnerships coupled with Research Uptake strategies would enhance the potential for scaling of insights, findings and innovation. We support ongoing debates on scaling and how to understand it, as it is highly complex conceptually as well as practically. Now at the end-stage of the programme we aim to synthesise achieved insights and to contribute to such debates as well as according action.