First steps in Healthy Cows, Healthy Food, Healthy Environment project

In the first year of the Applied Research Fund project “Healthy Cows, Healthy Food, Healthy Environment” in Ethiopia, important first steps have been made. Main objective of the project is to improve the milk quality and milk quality in terms of chemical (antibiotic) residues. This is done in two ways: by enhancing the laboratory control capacity and by implementing the Natural Livestock Farming (NLF) 5-layered methodology in two pilot communities.
The outcome in terms of milk quality at community level is measured at the government laboratory, which is
supported through technical training on residue analysis of milk. Over the past year the activities included a background/baseline documentation on the study sites as well as two visits of Dutch partners to Ethiopia. Three major aspects were covered:
- Getting to know the two selected communities for the pilot study.
- Review of laboratories where residue analysis is to take place.
- Direct and indirect visits of several organizations involved in Ethiopian smallholder dairy farmers, including the state minister of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Resources, FAO-Ethiopia, and the dairy program of Dutch Development organization SNV.
Please download the report “First steps in ARF project to enhance safety and quality of milk in Ethiopia” with a first glance of community reality; new state laboratories; and meetings with organizations working with smallholder dairy farmers.