Fifteenth F&BKP newsletter

The September newsletter of the Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP) is filled with nine news items on results of F&BKP affiliated research, calls and events.
We would like to draw your attention to the Knowledge Portal, which is going through some changes, including the addition of more topics in the field of food and nutrition security. You can already take a look at some new topics of Fruits & Vegetables, Soil Management and Nutrition Security. Other topics that will be added in the next month are Food Wastage, Inclusive Business, Regional Trade and Land Governance. Please feel free to visit the Knowledge Portal and share your own publications.
On our website you can also read an update on food and nutrition security policy highlights as part of the Dutch Development Results 2015 magazine.
For more detailed background information and to download our reports and studies, please explore this website. An additional way to make sure you don’t miss any Platform updates is to follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
Please follow this link to the complete fifteenth newsletter of the Platform; enjoy the read!