F&BKP Newsletter March 2020 (#01)

In this first Newsletter of 2020, the Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP) informs about the developments of the Netherlands Food Partnership (NFP) and highlights current activities of the Platform.
At the heart of NFP is a lean platform organisation that will catalyse action and coordinate NFP activities. During 2020, the F&BKP and AgriProFocus are transforming into this NFP organisation, a service provider to Dutch enterprises, civil society, knowledge institutes and governments.
To stay informed on the progress of the Netherlands Food Partnership, please visit the website and subscribe to the NFP newsletter.
Furthermore in the F&BKP Newsletter: report of the Food Systems CoP on Governance Mechanisms; the first thematic synthesis paper of the Food & Business Research programme focusing on Circular Agriculture; the winning team of the Excellence Programme and three blogs on CGIAR.
To stay updated on the current F&BKP activities, please check the website or follow @foodplatform on Twitter and Facebook.
Please follow this link to the complete first 2020 newsletter of the Platform: enjoy the read!