F&BKP Newsletter June 2020 (#03)

In this third Newsletter of 2020, the F&BKP first gives an update on the Netherlands Food Partnership and then informs about current activities like the CoPs on COVID-19 to prevent a food crises and other news, events and Knowledge Portal items on Food Nutrition and Security.
In this Newsletter of the Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP) an update on the Netherlands Food Partnership (NFP) is given. During 2020, the F&BKP and AgriProFocus are transforming into the NFP: Myrtille Danse has been appointed as director starting September 1; until June 21 applications are accepted for a SeedNL coordinator.
Furthermore in this Newsletter information on several Communities of Practice supporting the Dutch response to COVID-19, preventing food crises; and more articles related to current F&BKP activities and interesting news in the field of Food & Nutrition Security.
To stay updated on the ongoing F&BKP activities, you can still check the website and follow @foodplatform on Twitter and Facebook.