Eighth F&BKP Newsletter

In the September newsletter the F&BKP Office presents the study, “’The impact of food standards on inclusive growth in agriculture: the case of Bangladesh”. The study was conducted by the BoP Innovation Center on behalf of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Bangladesh and the Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP).
We also update you about the YEP Agrofood partnership agreement which has officially been signed. The Office announces the first and upcoming Food & Business Applied Research projects workshop on knowledge co-creation and research uptake that will be held in Uganda beginning October. Lastly, you will have the opportunity to read four new articles published within the Platform, including two articles in the context of the International Year of Soils 2015, one on the theme Inclusive Business, and one expert opinion from the Embassy in Kenya on the topic of needed expertise in the field of agricultural entrepreneurship.
We wish you an enjoyable and insightful reading of our latest newsletter for your professional and personal interest in the field of food and nutrition security.
Please follow this link to read the complete eighth newsletter of the Platform.
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