ARF-3 final factsheet: Economically viable foundation seed model for Mali

“Developing economically viable foundation seed production models for crops vital to food security in Mali” is a Food & Business Applied Research Fund (ARF) project which received funding in the third ARF Call.
ARF projects tackle challenges related to Food and Nutrition Security and private sector development in the 15 partner countries of Dutch development cooperation. They all stem from the knowledge and innovation needs of farmers, practitioners and policymakers. The research-driven innovations support new tools and technologies for Food and Nutrition Security that should ultimately benefit the world’s most vulnerable people, especially women and children.
This ARF project has been finalized: in this factsheet the consortium shares its research findings. Although women are involved in groundnut production, processing and marketing, they were not involved in foundation seed production. For the first time in Mali, through this project, women are involved in foundation seed production.
Please download the factsheet with end results of this ARF-3 project.