Home / Awarded Integrated Projects in third call Global Challenges Programme

Awarded Integrated Projects in third call Global Challenges Programme

Awarded GCP projects
May 20, 2016 By: F&BKP Office Image: via Flickr (by: Boyd Dwyer)

Five Integrated Projects have been awarded grants within the third Call of the Food & Business Global Challenges Programme (GCP). The theme of the NWO-WOTRO Call, selected and developed by the Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP), is “Transformation of food systems with a focus on sustainability and urbanization.” NWO-WOTRO Science for Global Development developed the Call and managed the assessment and selection procedure.

Two types of research funding are available within the NWO-WOTRO Call: for Integrated Projects (IPs, five awarded in May 2016) with a duration of four years and a maximum budget of 600,000 euros; and for Fast Track Research projects (FTR, three awarded in November 2015) with a maximum duration of two to three years and a maximum budget of 250,000 euros.

Please find below a list of this month’s awarded Integrated Projects, linking to their own Research Projects page on this website.

Integrated Projects

Contamination with fungal toxins is a prominent food safety concern in tropical regions. Aflatoxin, a fungal toxin common in maize and groundnut, affects much of African produce. Besides exacting a significant health toll, it impedes farmers’ access to global food markets and high-value domestic markets. This project will develop and test business models to support the scale-up of a biocontrol product to combat aflatoxin among smallholder maize farmers in Kenya.

Cocoa farmers in West Africa face poor productivity due to constraints at the crop, field, farm and sector level. To ensure farmers’ livelihoods, yields need to increase sustainably. This research will investigate the effect of field level practices on cocoa productivity. The suitability of different (combinations of) practices for different smallholder farm systems will be explored. Effective delivery of the services supporting these practices will be co-developed with public and private partners.

Food insecurity and malnutrition remain persistent challenges among upland populations in Asia. Interventions are often fragmented and address immediate rather than underlying causes. Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture (NSA) is a relatively new inter-sectoral, multi-level food system approach aiming to maximise agriculture’s contribution to improved food security and nutrition. Building upon existing interventions in Vietnam and Lao PDR, this project generates evidence on the effectiveness of, and best way to scale-up, NSA amongst ethnic minorities in mountainous areas.

Seafood is vital to the health and food security of millions of poor consumers in rapidly expanding city regions in the global south. This project aims to understand how low-price fish chains contribute to urban food security in India and Ghana and to identify policy and business interventions that have potential to improve them.

While consumption of vegetables in emerging economies falls well short of dietary recommendations, vegetable production contributes to environmental pollution and health risks. This project will engage with small farmers and organizations involved in low-or-no-pesticide production methods to develop more effective production, knowledge sharing methods and collaborative value chains.


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