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Academic article

May 6, 2020Knowledge Portal
Access to markets, weather risk, and livestock production decisions: Evidence from Ethiopa

This study examined whether and how livestock production responds to (access to) markets and varying weather risk and explores whether such responses vary across livelihood zones and livestock production systems. The heterogeneity in responses and impacts of weather risk among farming systems and livelihoods highlights the need for more tailored livestock sector policies and interventions. »

April 16, 2020Knowledge Portal
To sell or consume? Gendered household decision-making on crop production, consumption, and sale in Malawi

This study examines the sociocultural drivers of gendered household decisions to produce and sell or consume nutritious crops. The findings provide an in-depth understanding of diet patterns and preferences in the study population. »

April 16, 2020Knowledge Portal
Effects of violent political conflict on the supply, demand and fragmentation of fresh food markets

This study analysed consequences of conflict on economic and physical access to food, as this is one of the core aspects often being reported to be impeded in during conflict escalations causing transitory food insecurity. The findings suggest that it is access to food in the given case that is more severely impeded by conflict than availability. »

April 15, 2020Knowledge Portal
Food safety and nutrition for low-income urbanities: Exploring a social justice dilemma in consumption policy

This study investigates how retail policies driven by food safety impact the diets of the urban poor in Hanoi, Vietnam. From both time–spatial and quality–affordability perspectives, supermarkets do not contribute to more healthy diets for low-income urbanites. Distance to supermarkets did not change shopping practices. »

April 14, 2020Knowledge Portal
Towards demand-driven services? The role of feedback mechanisms in agribusiness-based advisory services for smallholder farmers

This paper explores the extent to which agribusinesses provide demand-driven services based on farmer feedback and how they integrate and learn from such feedback. The study shows that agribusinesses provide focused advisory services to diverse farmers in developing countries, which are often farmers’ main source of technical advice. »

March 16, 2020Knowledge Portal
A retrospective analysis of responsible innovation for low-technology innovation in the Global South

This article states that the role of low-technology innovation in addressing global challenges is undervalued. Responsible innovation (RI) has the potential to direct low-technology innovation towards global challenges in the Global South, yet this possibility remains largely unexplored. »