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Academic article

March 15, 2020Knowledge Portal
Inclusive agribusiness models in the Global South: The impact on local food security

This paper argues there is little evidence that shows inclusive business initiatives improve the food and nutrition security (FNS) of many. Private business is increasingly presented as a leading agent of development in policy, also in the pursuit of developmental goals beyond business, such as food security (SDG2 in particular). »

March 3, 2020
Characterising the fruit and vegetable environment of peri-urban Hyderabad, India

This study examined the perceptions of people living in peri-urban villages in India to characterise the sources and environment of fruit and vegetables (FV) and to inform future interventions to increase FV consumption. This study shows that a range of factors related to food environments determine acquisition of FVs, including price, availability, sensory attributes, pesticide use, and socio-cultural factors. »

February 25, 2020Knowledge Portal
Learning adaptation to climate change from past climate extremes: Evidence from recent climate extremes in Haryana, India

This article examines whether farmers learn form their past experiences of exposure to climate extremes and use the knowledge to better adapt to future climate extremes. Farmer learning and uptake of new technology is not only related to the characteristic of technology but also how well the technology fits the farming system and its impact on farmers’ livelihood. »

February 21, 2020Knowledge Portal
Stunting, undernutrition and obesity: the triple threat of childhood malnutrition

This collection pulls together publications highlighting research into the mediating factors for, and potential solutions to, childhood undernutrition and obesity. Good news is that many forms of undernutrition resolve as nations pass through the demographic and wealth transition. The bad news is that in almost all such circumstances the pendulum swings too far and the population races towards an obesity epidemic. »

February 20, 2020Knowledge Portal
Food security and conflict: Empirical challenges and future opportunities for research and policy making on food security and conflict

This article examines the endogeneity that characterizes the coupling between food (in)security and conflict. While the policy community has pushed forward with new programs, the academic debate about the causal linkages between food security and conflict remains contested. For policy makers, closing data gaps will be essential for producing effective food security and peacebuilding policies. »

February 5, 2020Knowledge Portal
Digital technologies, hyper-transparency and smallholder farmer inclusion in global value chains

This article states that globalization of food value chains has increased the demand for greater transparency over where food is produced, how, by whom and with what effect on society and the environment. A range of new digital technologies are available to facilitate transparency, with the promise of leading the global food system to an era of ‘hyper-transparency’. Its impact on smallholder farmer inclusion, however, remains questionable »