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June 11, 2020Knowledge Portal
Exploring the effectiveness of agricultural technologies training among smallholder farmers in Sub-Saharan African communities

This study was carried out to ascertain the effectiveness of agricultural technologies training among smallholder farmers in Sub-Saharan African communities. The study recommends a policy agenda of governments that will favor improvement of agricultural extension and training for rural development to promote agricultural productivity, improving standard of living of  smallholder farmers and national food security. »

June 9, 2020Knowledge Portal
Food as a weapon? The geopolitics of food and the Qatar–Gulf rift

This article puts the concept of ‘food as a weapon’ in historical and regional perspective in the Arabian Peninsula through the lens of critical geopolitics, tracing the securitizing discourses about food security and their intertwining with narratives about territorial sovereignty, nationalism, and essentialist understandings of geography to explain the causes and effects of the food embargo in the ongoing Qatar–Gulf rift. »

June 4, 2020Knowledge Portal
Dairy livestock interventions for food security in Uganda: What are the implications for women’s empowerment?

This study examines how development interventions that target women affect household well‐being, especially food insecurity, empower women, and transform gendered power relations. »

May 28, 2020Knowledge Portal
Climate-smart agriculture and global food-crop production

This article shows that a subset of agronomic practices that are often included under the rubric of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) can contribute to increasing agricultural production under unfavorable climate regimes while contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gases (GHG). CSA with its multi-objective approach may provide a useful framework for decision-making ranging from the farm to the policy level. »

May 14, 2020Knowledge Portal
Drought, resilience, and support for violence: Household survey evidence from DR Congo

This study examined the variation in the support for violence related to reported exposure to drought and resilience metrics, using household survey data from two conflict-affected regions in DR Congo. »

May 7, 2020Knowledge Portal
Changing food consumption patterns in rural and urban Vietnam: Implications for a future food supply system

This study estimates a food demand system, including 15 major food items in Vietnam, with multiyear household survey data. As the Vietnam economy continues to grow, per capita rice consumption in both urban and rural areas and across different income groups will continue to decline, whereas demand for other high‐value products will rise. »