Three awards under Senior Expert Programme of the Netherlands-CGIAR partnership

Three senior researchers employed at Dutch research organizations will receive extra funding to spend more time on their CGIAR research and research management in large CGIAR programmes and platforms. The CGIAR, a global research partnership, also collaborates with the Netherlands on food security, dedicated to reducing poverty, enhancing food and nutrition security, and improving natural resources.
The awarded researchers submitted a proposal in the second assessment round of the Senior Expert Programme (SEP) call of the Netherlands – CGIAR partnership. In the first round, seven experts were awarded. This call is continuously open until Thursday February 27, 2020, or until the budget is fully allocated. The deadline for the next assessment round is June 4, 2019.
Funded experts
- Prof. ir C. Leeuwis
Dutch research organization: Wageningen University and Research
CGIAR institutes: International Institute of Tropical Agriculture and Centro Internacional De La Papa – CIP
Focus: “Innovation and Scaling in the CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Bananas”
Flagship 5: “Improved Livelihoods at Scale”, Cluster 5.4 “Scaling RTB Agri-food System Innovations”.
Please find the summary here.
- Dr D. Dentoni
Dutch research organization: Wageningen University and Research
CGIAR institutes: World Agroforestry Centre and International Livestock Research Institute
Focus: “Entrepreneurial Learning in Inclusive Agribusiness (ELIA)”
Flagship 2 “Climate Smart Technologies and Practices” and Flagship 5 “Livestock”
Please find the summary here. - Prof. ir K.E. Giller
Dutch research organization: Wageningen University and Research
CGIAR institute: International Institute of Tropical Agriculture
Focus: ‘Farming Systems Analysis for Inclusive and Resilient Agriculture’.
Flagship 4 “Sustainable intensification of maize based systems for better livelihoods for smallholders”
Please find the summary here.
Background information
The proposals are awarded within the Senior Expert Programme (SEP) of the Netherlands – CGIAR research programme. The SEP instrument aims to contribute to the mutual benefit of partnering between CGIAR Research Programs (CRPs), CGIAR platforms and CGIAR Centers and Dutch knowledge institutes and stakeholders by supporting the participation of Dutch research organizations in CGIAR. This call for SEP candidates is implemented by NWO-WOTRO in close collaboration with the CGIAR and with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MinFA) and of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (MinAgri), as well as the Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP).
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Source: NWO