F&BKP Office

Profile picture of F&BKP Office

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Food & Business Knowledge Platform

Role / Title

The Office

Bio / Specialization

The gateway to knowledge for food and nutrition security. Connecting business, science, civil society and policy.


ARF-2 final factsheet: ProSeSS Benin

Please download the factsheet with final findings of this Applied Research Fund Call 2 project. »

ARF-2 facsheet: Salvaging tomatos from pests in Kenya

Please download the factsheet with final findings of this Applied Research Fund Call 2 project. »

ARF-2 final factsheet: Inland fisheries Benin

The ARF project “Improving resilience of inland fisher communities in Benin” developed a road map creating productive stakeholder engagement to balance interests of fisher community against quality & sustainability of inland waters. Please download the factsheet with final findings of this Applied Research Fund Call 2 project. »

ARF-1 factsheet: UOIWAP Ghana

ARF project “Utilization of Organic Waste to Improve Agricultural Productivity in Ghana #UOWIAP” engages unemployed youth in organic waste collection from local markets. Please download the factsheet with final findings of this Applied Research Fund Call 1 project and find out how Green Energy Ghana continues this responsibility. »