F&BKP Office

Profile picture of F&BKP Office

Company / Organization / University

Food & Business Knowledge Platform

Role / Title

The Office

Bio / Specialization

The gateway to knowledge for food and nutrition security. Connecting business, science, civil society and policy.


ARF-3 factsheet: ERIGNU in Uganda

Please download the factsheet with midterm results of the Applied Research Fund Call 3 project. »

ARF-3 factsheet: IRESO in Uganda

Please download the factsheet with midterm results of the Applied Research Fund Call 3 project. »

ARF-2 factsheet: ENRICH Uganda

Please download the factsheet with end results of the Applied Research Fund Call 2 project. »

ARF-2 Factsheet: AGRI-QUEST in Uganda

Please download the factsheet with end results of the Applied Research Fund Call 2 project. The research team concludes that AGRI-QUEST has engaged and gathered the locally applicable ethical & quality standards practices; other stakeholders will be proud to uptake the knowledge generated by the project. »