F&BKP Office

Profile picture of F&BKP Office

Company / Organization / University

Food & Business Knowledge Platform

Role / Title

The Office

Bio / Specialization

The gateway to knowledge for food and nutrition security. Connecting business, science, civil society and policy.


HortEco workshop May 2019

In the framework of the GCP project HortEco and ANII, Uruguay, a workshop was organized entitled “Improvement of soil quality and reduction of agrochemical use in vegetable production systems: onion crop as a model”. On May 20, 2019, thirty people, including farmers, technicians and researchers, met to discuss how to make the technology of green manure and reduced tillage viable in organic vegetable production. »

Applied Research Fund country workshop in Uganda

The Food & Business Applied Research Fund (ARF) addresses the knowledge and research needs of partners in the bilateral food security programmes of the 15 Dutch development cooperation partner countries and focuses on food security as a local challenge. From June 18 to 20, 2019 an ARF country workshop takes place in Uganda: all Uganda-based projects have now published factsheets with their midterm or final research results. »

ARF-2 factsheet: Unravelling the potential of FAID in Mozambique

Please download the factsheet with final findings of this Applied Research Fund Call 2 project. »

ARF-2 factsheet: Greening farms in Indonesia (PROFARM)

Please download the factsheet with final findings of this Applied Research Fund Call 2 project. »