F&BKP Office

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Food & Business Knowledge Platform

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The Office

Bio / Specialization

The gateway to knowledge for food and nutrition security. Connecting business, science, civil society and policy.


Do the costs of the global food system outweigh its monetary value?

Food is essential for all living organisms to survive and flourish, but for human beings, food transcends biological needs and has long been an integral part of social life and culture. Over the past century, the food system has done very well in producing enough food to outpace population growth – reducing the real price of food to make it more accessible to the poor and drive down global hunger and poverty.  While the remaining pockets of hunger require continued attention, the global food system is rapidly transforming, including in the less developed regions of Africa, Asia and parts of Latin America. »

Scaling climate-smart agriculture in East Africa: A role for all stakeholders taking into account contexts and needs

For food systems and agricultural livelihoods in Eastern Africa to truly be climate-resilient and low in emissions, climate-smart agriculture policies, practices and perspectives must be scaled. To move this forward, CCAFS in East Africa, NWO-WOTRO, F&BKP and AgriProFocus Ethiopia hosted a public dialogue, on June 13 in Addis Ababa at the International Livestock Research Institute Campus. »

Join the FNS Excellence Programme!

The Food & Nutrition Security Excellence Programme challenges teams of Bachelor students to contribute to Food & Nutrition Security (FNS) by working on real-life cases of Dutch embassies in Africa. Students can now register: selected teams will work for a period of three months on consultancy assignments and pitch their final ideas for the embassies and Dutch FNS experts.  »

Access to Seeds Index 2019 Synthesis Report

The Access to Seeds Index 2019 Synthesis Report has just been released. It describes the opportunities and progress shown by the seed industry, and highlights the importance of local and regional companies in providing access to seeds for smallholder farmers. Challenges differ in each of the three main regions covered by the index: South and Southeast Asia, in Eastern and Southern Africa, and Western and Central Africa. »