F&BKP Office

Profile picture of F&BKP Office

Company / Organization / University

Food & Business Knowledge Platform

Role / Title

The Office

Bio / Specialization

The gateway to knowledge for food and nutrition security. Connecting business, science, civil society and policy.


ARF-3 final factsheet: FortiMoringa in Benin

PLease download the final factsheet of the ARF-3 project FortiMoringa in Benin. The research consortium shares its end results: for producers, optimal conditions for Moringa leaves production and preservation of Moringa seeds were determined, as well as appropriate cutting height and type of fertilizer that increases leaves yield; for processors, the fortified infant flour formulas and Moringa leaves powder (MLP) were developed. »

ARF-3 final factsheet: Plantain varieties in Benin

Please download the final factsheet of this ARF-3 project. The consortium shares its research findings, showing the development of best agricultural practices and of new plantain-product markets with a special empowerment of women and youth along the value chains. »

ARF-3 final factsheet: Project Doyiwé in Benin

Please download the final factsheet of ARF-3 project Doyiwé in Benin, in which the consortium shares its final research findings, serving as guidance for entrepreneurs and policymakers to exploit full potential of existing markets for Kersting’s Groundnut, develop emerging markets for KG and increase awareness in remote markets. »

Thirteen new YEP vacancies, 5 in YEP Agrofood

Young Expert Programmes (YEP) is looking for Dutch candidates for thirteen new YEP positions. Main goal of YEP Agrofood, YEP Water and YEP Energy is to offer young professionals the opportunity to kickstart their international career supported by training, coaching and mentoring. Of the current vacancies, five are in YEP Agrofood, in Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Ghana and Ethiopia. Application for this batch #19 is open until November 13, 2019. »